The preservation of perishable foodstuffs is a matter of vital importance in this country, especially when there is a problem of food shortage and the loss of food is abnormally high due to the lack of proper storage facilities at many producing and consuming centers. It has been observed that certain important nutritive foods like vegetables, fruits, eggs, etc. are available in abundance in the production season and their prices drop to un-remunerative levels, thus causing a serious discouragement to increase production. Due to the lack of facilities for proper preservation, the commodity is scarce in the off-season and the prices shoot up considerably.

The provision of processing and cold storage facilities has demonstrated the following

  • Prevent wastage of food stuffs
  • Ensure remunerative prices to the producer which would in itself provide the incentive for increased production
  • Ensure steady supplies over a longer period of time to consumers
  • Ensure quality throughout the supply chain
  • Stabilize prices
  • Enhance nutrition security of the nation